deer can smell you long before they see you. Yes, you've
heard the stories and experienced the disgust. A deer's
nose knows. Scent plays a powerful role in the game of
hunting. I spend most of my hunting time concerned about
the wind direction. I'm always amazed by the so-called
experts talking about wind direction. They will tell you
that you need to put your hunting stand downwind of your
ambush point. They will ramble on and on about the placement
of the stand. Ok, you better believe that your scent and
the wind direction are big factors in hunting. Here is
the problem. Its 0430 in the morning, its dark, and you
are trying your best not to make a lot of noise. You get
in your stand, but the wind is blowing right toward the
kill zone. This happens to me 1 in 5 times. What am I
to do? Should I get down and try to move my stand? Not
if I expect to see any wildlife at all. Should I give
up my position for a spot that matches the wind? No! It's
a big pain. I'm not going to start messing up all my hard
work because of a little wind problem. Here's what I'm
going to do. I'm going to put my stand in the best place,
wear a set of Scent-lok hunting clothes, and give a care
less about the wind direction.

the first scent eliminating clothing for hunters, uses
activated charcoal to absorb human scent. I like it. Yea,
that's right this stuff will absorb your scent. This stuff
was designed by aerospace engineers who figured out how
to fuse the char col to the fabric. Hugh? What does it
mean? Well, it simply means that if you put this stuff
on the deer wont be snorting at you from 100 yards turning
their noses up and smelling you. How many deer smell you
that you never even see? Lots more than you think about.

is lightweight, sheds water well, and fits really nice.
It is available in all the popular camo patterns. It is
very comfortable clothing. Scent-lok wont retain heat,
so this is great for the early bow season. I have been
impressed with the performance of this product. Early
in the bow season 3 bucks walked down wind of my stand
about 75 yards out and laid down to take a break. The
wind was blowing steady, and blowing right across the
deer. They never caught wind of me. Scent-lok is remarkable.
Please give them a call and let them know how tired you
are of being busted from your scent.
Scent-lok may be reached at 1-800-315-5799. Check out
the web-site at
By: Justin Boyette