ARMS Model 10MLSS-11XP .50 Muzzleloader
hot new muzzleloader this year is a packaged firearm
consisting of a 24" stainless steel barreled action
heavy contour, bottom rifled barrel with crowned muzzle
and a sling with swivel studs. The package comes with
a Simons 3-9x40 8-point fully coated lens scope.
Savage's new muzzleloader can fire smokeless powder,
black powder or pyrodex, you choose the powder in this
bolt action .50 caliber using the 209 primer ignition.
The Model 10 can produce velocities of around 2,300
f.p.s. and can achive 3,000 ft.lbs. of power. Using
smokeless powder, you can get higher velocities than
black powder and better accuracy and no messy cleanup.
The patented removable breech plug and vent liner makes
cleanup fast , just remove the bolt and use the supplied
tool to remove the plug .

I reviewed this new firearm with because of a new found
interest, I never got involved with muzzleloading firearms
before because of the messy cleanup, inaccuracy and
delayed firing and miss fires, to me it was not fun.
Savage made it too easy for me, This packaged firearm
came in a stainless steel barreled action, factory Simons
scope and the 209-primer system.

the range, I used Hodgdons new Triple Seven-blackpowder
,which is sulfur free and will not corrode like blackpowder
and can be cleaned up with water only.
Using 300gr. Power belt bullets at 100 yards gave me
case cartridge accuracy with the smokeless powder, blackpowder
groups where not far behind.
I'm very pleased and impressed with the performance
from this muzzleloader, it looks like there is a new
firearm going into my gun closet. This muzzleloader
is a keeper and I'm a new fan of blackpowder shooting.
Savage Arms has the loading data on their website for
the types of smokeless powder and the weight and grain
bullet. You CANNOT fire smokeless powder in any black
powder firearm unless the manufacture states differently.
Checkout Savage arms website
for their products and info or you favorite Savage arms