features the new generation in hammocks. This
is the state of art design and features years
of refinement to develop the latest in hammock
The features include a lightweight design, only
2.5 pounds, which includes the hammock, weather
fly, mosquito netting and all the ropes and cords.
The spacious hammock is 9ft.long and 4ft.wide
inside and the weather fly is 6ft.wide and 10ft.long.
The whole thing rolls up to a 4''x 12'' compact
The Hennessy hammock sets up fast about 2-3 minutes
and is very comfortable.The hammock fabric, which
has enough stretch so you can move around, is
soft and comfortable and when resting, your back
and head remain fairly straight and level.
The most impressive thing with this design is
that you enter from the bottom of the hammock,
no more falling out or rolling over onto your
head when you get in. Easy entrance, duck your
head through the entrance and walk in, turn around
and sit down. A special fold at the entrance provides
an overlapping seal when you pull your feet up
through. It's also very easy to exit, just slide
your leg to one side and the opening opens up
and get out with ease.

The way this hammock is designed, you have a main
line that runs threw the hammock from end to end.
When you tie off at a tree on one end and tie
off the other end the main line is nice and tight.
The integral ridgeline supports the netting canopy
and automatically maintains the shape.
I like the design of the Hennessy hammock with
the integral main ridge line you can hang a flash
light for reading and hanging your clothes from
the line for more room inside. The Hennessy hammock
is very reasonable priced around $100 dollars,
is packed full of features for the money and most
importantly for sports activity, is that it's
lightweight and durable. Check out the hammock
on their website
www.hennessyhammock.com Call them at Phone:
888-539-2930 or Fax: 250-539-5390
by: Ken Menge