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To achieve an ultimate experience while on the hunt lots of things need to be considered. When hunting whitetail deer, scent is the most important. To beat the deer you have got to beat his nose. To do this there are several strategies: 1. Lure the deer in with a sexual type of scent that will make him believe that in the immediate area exists his best chance at getting some action. 2. Use buck tarsal gland to make him believe there is another buck in the area that is getting some. 3. Cover and remove as much of your human odor as possible.


These strategies work best when using a combination of them all. BUCK STOP has been making deer lures and cover scents since 1953. They know what the deer need to smell. They make a wide variety of cover scents and lures. They can meet any scent requirement needed for pursuing the whitetails. Here is a list of the items I feel are necessary for a successful hunt.

Mate-Triks doe in heat
Scent eliminator spray
Scent eliminating body wash
Masking scent

When used together these products will help you achieve your big buck dreams. The Mate-Triks doe in heat contains doe urine hormones, which active bucks can't refuse. My story or testimony is this:



I have had a rough go at the hunting this year. I have only been in the stand 4 or 5 times this year. I have seen several deer coming and going to the stand, but never any out in my ambush spot. I got a package from BUCKSTOP and decided to make the time to hit the wood-line. I used the scent eliminator heavy and sprayed a light mist of the cover scent on my boots. I went to the stand mid-afternoon and made a mock scrape using a stick. I tied a scent maker felt up in a tree and dropped some of the doe fragrance on it along with a couple of drops on the ground.

Hunting in Texas is always fun, you never know when you're going to have a run-in with a 4-foot rattlesnake. Don't laugh, but as I finished the scrape a darn grasshopper attached my leg and for a millisecond I thought it was a snake. I accidentally stepped in my fresh scrape. I quickly re made my mock up and hit the stand.

20 minutes after being off the ground a young buck walked right to my scrape. He sniffed around in it for a bit and then, with his nose stuck to the ground turned and followed the same path I had taken to the stand. This ambitious little fellow followed my footprints right to the tree I was standing in. I couldn't believe it. He hung around for another 15 minutes frustrated that his trail of romance had come to end. I let him walk, for he was only a small 8 point.

The cover scents and lures do work. Don't listen to anyone who tells you other wise. BUCKSTOP makes quality products. They will work. Try them out for yourself.
BUCKSTOP may be reached at www.buckstopscents.com and at 1-800-477-2368.
By: Rebecca Boyette